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Wallpaper Removal in Bedford, NY

August 25, 2015 | By: admin

It’s that time of year again; time to revamp your home’s look with fresh wallpaper! But, first things first, let’s talk about wallpaper removal in Bedford, NY. We know you are excited to put up your new wallpaper…but is there already paper on the wall? It’s best to remove it first (rather than papering over it), so you have a smooth surface for the new paper to adhere to. It’s not always easy, so unless you’re a wallpaper Afficientato (yes, that’s a thing), you might want to consult an expert such as our staff here at Gallo Painting.

There are several methods our knowledgeable staff will use when it comes to wallpaper removal in Bedford, NY to ensure that your walls are clean, clear, and ready for the next phase of their lives! Our methods include:

Steam: We provide a commercial wallpaper steamer and dampen the walls. Then we gently scratch off the wallpaper; if it comes off easily, we know it’s ready to be removed using a wallpaper scraper.

Re-purpose: Don’t want us to use a steamer? We’ll spray your walls using a garden pump sprayer instead before removing it.

Strip It: Spraying and steaming work well for older wallpapers. But if you have some ’70s era vinyl or foil wallpaper, getting the walls wet will get you nowhere. For these “heavy duty” projects we apply solution specifically created for wallpaper removal in Bedford NY (and everywhere else of course); enzymes speed up the process!

Attack It: Of course, there’s always that wallpaper that loves your walls so much that it refuses to come off! Maybe it was the first wallpaper you chose back in the day, maybe it’s in the kitchen where the years of heat and moisture have solidified it to the wall, maybe it even came with the house itself and was applied when it was built…in 1964!

Whatever the reason, If you’re wallpaper flatly refuses to come off, our staff (who are trained to deal with misbehaving wallpaper) will bring out the “big guns” namely a Paper Tiger or a scoring tool. This circular, handheld tool has rotating blades that perforate the paper. Once we’ve given your stubborn wallpaper the “chop treatment” we’ll spray or steam it to finish off your wallpaper removal in Bedford NY and pave the way for new, beautiful walls.

Now you’re ready to for fresh, new walls and, of course, Gallo Painting can help with that as well! Gallo House Painters of Westchester County, NY offers you an affordable way to update your home, a professional painting company to do your interior house painting.

Our interior house painters are highly skilled paint contractors and can paint the interiors of any home or building without you having to worry about any of your furniture or property being nicked or damaged. Upon your request, we can help move your furniture or place the proper protective fabrics over them for the duration of the painting project. Dings and nicks in the drywall will also be patched and smoothed over prior to the interior painting process. So, if your home is ready for a “new look” call Gallo Painting at: 845-590-8068 and start your remodeling process off right with wallpaper removal in Bedford NY!

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