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Wallpaper Installation in Westchester

June 29, 2015 | By: admin

Thinking about wallpaper installation in Westchester County? Hanging or removing wallpaper can be an enjoyable task if you like to get into Do-It-Yourself-Projects and you have the time. However, hiring a professional for wall-paper installation or removal can save you huge amounts of time and in some cases, aggravation!

Therefore, if you would prefer to have your decorating needs taken care of in a timely and professional manner then please feel free to contact the friendly staff at Gallo Paint.

We have extensive experience in all types of wallpaper installation in Westchester County be it residential or commercial and including everything from pre-pasted vinyl to hand-printed uncut wallpaper, English Anaglypta, bamboos, grasscloth and foil paper. We also specialize in the installation of Torn Paper, Weathered-Stone and the new Tattoowall digital murals.
Excellent craftsmanship and outstanding customer service are our by-word. Gallo Paint provides services to both residential and commercial sites and is always on the cutting edge of providing new and innovative products to the home-owner and designer community.

There are all types of decorating options to choose from for the walls in your home. To determine which decorating option you should use, you should decide what type of mood you would like to have in each room of your home, as well as possible color options, texture options, and what parts of the room you would really like to stand out.

When you decorate with wallpaper installations it can provide answers to all of your concerns regarding the different rooms in your home, especially since it can make a dramatic change in almost any room in your home. Rather than filling the walls with a plain solid color that may or may not clash with the furniture in your home, you can choose a pattern or design that can bring the entire room together.

Wallpaper installations can bring color and life to even the darkest room in your Westchester County home, even if the room doesn’t have any windows. You can bring a wide variety of bright and bold colors into any room, or even welcoming and open patterns that are sure to brighten up any room. There is no other wall decorating option that can bring so much life into any room, so it is the best option for those trying to brighten up a dark room in their home.

Wall coverings are available in practically any color or pattern, so you can bring any theme to a room in your home. Wall coverings are a great way to update a bathroom, a guest room, or any room in your home!

Wallpaper installation is very easy to install, and are actually much easier than trying to paint an entire room. It is also easy to remove if you decide to change the décor in your room, even though it can last for up to ten years if well taken care of. If you are thinking about adding a wallpaper installation in Westchester County, please think of Gallo Paint and call us at: 845-590-8068

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